On the 11th of January 2023, the Pierre et Marie campus of the University of Paris hosted the General Assembly of the Campus France Forum. This meeting, the first in person since 2009, is scheduled to: Summarize the commissions from 2022 and get started on your commission projects in 2023.
About 200 representatives of 165 member institutions, representatives of supervision ministries (Ministries of Higher Education and Research, and of Europe and Foreign Affairs), conferences of institutions (France Universités, CGE, CDEFI), and institutional partners gathered for the first in-person session of the Campus France Forum since December 2019. (Ministries of culture, HCERES, etc.).
Opening on a series of introductive interventions led by Noureddine Manamanni, Director of External and Institutional Relations at Campus France and Secretary General of the Forum, this general assembly helped take stock of a year marked by a pickup of international mobility towards France in a context of crisis, and to present numerous challenges for French education and research, including: promoting the freedom of the academic area and scientific process, putting back F.R.E.E. funding, and restoring the French government’s credibility as
The Commission’s Reports (2022)
During the General Assembly, the Forum’s presidents, vice presidents, and members of the steering committees of the Africa, Europe, and Research and Doctoral Training commissions gave a brief overview of the various work led internally throughout the 2021-22 period.
- Conventionally, the Campus France Forum’s Research and Doctoral training Commission addresses issues that lessen France’s allure as a research destination. As part of their 2022 work, members will analyse how the Research Programming Law 2020-1674 of 24 December 2020 is implemented. This law aims to significantly alter the conditions under which foreign researchers are welcomed in the country through the establishment of research stays.
- The Africa commission’s primary focus was on advancing a strategic analysis of higher education across Africa and on assessing the current status of cooperation agreements between French universities and their African counterparts.
- During the year that France held the presidency of the European Union and the war in Ukraine broke out, the Europe Commission steered a conversation about the attractiveness of France within the EU and the values of the European space of higher education and research.
Commissioning to begin in 2023
Commissions renewed in 2023 (Europe, Research, and Doctoral and training) presented their renewed mandates and presented their new work guidelines at the General Assembly of the Campus France Forum.
Also Read :Changing emotions about studying abroad
- To revive student and researcher mobility from this key region to France, the newly formed Asia-Indo-Pacific Commission plans to make specific recommendations.
- Committee for Transdisciplinary Action on Sustainable Development: This creative group will meet regularly throughout the year to discuss the specific issues surrounding sustainable development, how it affects the French higher education and research landscape as a whole, and what can be done to make it a recruiting tool for scholars from abroad.
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